Sunday, June 24, 2012

My last weekend in New York City was perfect!  Friday was a day just for myself to do a little shopping, see my favorite places one more time, and walk through Central Park.  I was wondering around the city from 9:00 AM until 9:00 PM [FULL DAY].  I was exhausted but I was determined to spend every minute I could out and about.  

Saturday was a "girls day" with Julia and MarjorieWe started the day off right with brunch on the Upper West Side before we headed down to Soho and Little Italy.  Before we knew it, it was HAPPY HOUR!  We got on the subway and took it straight to Brother Jimmy's BBQ to end the day with drinks and snacks.....three hours later we went back to the Upper West Side for one last drink in Riverside Park.  I cannot believe how close the three of us have gotten over the past few weeks!  I am going to miss my life in the city but I know I'll be back to visit soon!

I have been SO BLESSED with this opportunity and I'm sad to see it come to an end but lucky for me I have wonderful friends and family waiting for me in North Carolina! <3


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