Monday, May 21, 2012

Rain, rain, go away! Trying to get around this city with an umbrella is a challenge...and I didn't get the memo that everyone brings a plastic bag to put there umbrella in while running in and out of buildings and stores.  Don't worry though; I got one now!  -- This morning at work went by pretty fast, I started out by vacuuming sand out of a display case with a "ghost buster" backpack vacuum. [Stylish]  After finishing some repairs for the display windows I painted paper bugs that will be going up in the store tomorrow morning.  There will be 100 of them on one wall in a grid pattern and I can't wait to see how the display turns out!  That concluded my day of work and then I headed off to Whole Foods, my new favorite place ever, to do some grocery shoppingI met back up with Julia at work around 4:00 PM to starts our trek to the East Harlem TARGET!  It was just what I needed on this gross rainy day.  Julia and I looked through all the clothes and were amazed to see the prices were just like back home; even the groceries!  I got myself a new pair of sandals and some strawberries.  Trip = Success :)  Now it's time to do some much needed internship homework  for ASU and prepare myself for yet another rainy day...

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