Sunday, June 10, 2012

I had a great time with Jordan this weekend!  It was so nice to have him up here even if it was only for a weekend.  The sun stayed out for most of the time except for a little rain on Saturday.  However, Saturday was the best!  Jordan and I started the day with a quick trip to Rockefeller Center so he could see where I work and how I get there every morning [which includes walking across Park Avenue, past The Palace Hotel and Saint Patrick's Cathedral].  Then we got lunch in Times Square and did a little shopping followed by drinks at the Frying Pan with Julia and Cody.  Later on we had dinner in Chelsea and while at dinner we remembered Cody telling us about a mini golf located along the Hudson River. Next thing I knew we were on a hunt to find it - and we did!  We got to the mini golf just as the sun was setting [the views were beautiful off Pier 25].  And last but not least we ended up back at Times Square.  By midnight it was time to retreat back to 92Y before a lovely Sunday afternoon in Central Park.
I couldn't have asked for a better weekend in the city! Tomorrow starts my fifth week in New York so now I really need to figure out what all I want to do before I head back to North Carolina...

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